The 3rd Come Together Music Festival Post-Event Press Release


 The 3rd Come Together Music Festival Post-Event Press Release


Come Together 2014 was held on Saturday 13th September at Beishan Theatre in Zhuhai and was attended by over 1,200 people. In 2013 we raised RMB 87,768.70 for our local charities, this year we have smashed that over doubling the amount raised.


Total Raised: RMB 193,885.20 (USD 31,785)


We are extremely thankful to everybody who has helped out in any way to make this event a huge success, and we are surprised by the amount of people who have volunteered and donated their time and money this year. From this we can easily see that Come Together is getting larger every year and in this, our 3rd year, we are the largest we have ever been. A big thank you goes out to the organisers, the bandsand the many volunteers for giving their valuable time to making this day a great success.


A special thanks goes out to all of our sponsors, especially to our Platinum Sponsors: Hui Gui Ting, FISC (Foreign Invested Sports Club) and Multek.


An incredible RMB 79,240.90 of this was cash generated on the day of the event – nearly as much as the entire 2013 totalraised! On Tuesday 16th September,CTC member Mark Clayton, along with volunteers from 2 of the organising companies InternChina & C2W Group, representatives of CPAZ (Charity Promotion Association of Zhuhai) and 3rd party witnesses counted and re-counted all of the cash from the cash boxes. It was then deposited in a safe where it has remained until the handover to the charities.

令人难以置信的是活动当天我们募集到现金人民币79,240.90—这个差不多是我们2013的捐赠总额!9月16日星期二,活动主要组织者Mark Clayton,来自两个组织公司珠海中西电子和InternChina的自愿者,珠海爱心促进会会代表和第3方证人一起清点并复核了所有捐款箱里面的现金。然后这笔钱被放进了保险柜里面直到它被移交给慈善机构。



Come Together is a fully transparent event, in the appendix of this Press Release you can see the full breakdown of monies received and all of the expenses. No organiser or volunteer took any money for themselves from this event, 100% of the proceeds go to charity.



2014 Come Together has chosen to donate to two amazing, local, transparent, and worthy charitable causes.

CPAZ (Charity Promotion Association of Zhuhai) 珠海市爱心促进会

CPAZ is a registered CSO (Civil Society Organization) in China and works to promote social activism and public welfare through a range of projects, which aim to provide compassionate assistance to vulnerable sectors of society.


This includes supporting morally and financially destitute, disadvantaged people and particularly young students living as orphans or with single parents.


ZAS (Zhuhai Autism Society) 珠海市自闭症协会

The Zhuhai Autism Society is a non-profit organization set up by the parents of autistic children under the auspices of the Zhuhai Civil Affairs Bureau. They work by providing specialised class rooms on part time or full time basis; to offer the appropriate education and help the children and young adults gain the skills they will need to live fulfilling lives on a personal but also professional level.


Distribution of Funds款项分布

The funds will be distributed as follows:


RMB 人民币
Total Funds Raised善款总额 193,885.20
CPAZ (Charity Promotion Association of Zhuhai) 珠海市爱心促进会 99,050.00
ZAS (Zhuhai Autism Society) 珠海市自闭症协会 94,740.00
Balance Carried Forward to 2015结转到2015年 95.20
 Donation Certificate - CPAZ  Donation Certificate - ZAS

After deep discussions and meetings with both charities it has been decided that the funds will be used by as follows:


 CPAZ (Charity Promotion Association of Zhuhai) 珠海市爱心促进会

Item RMB 人民币
School Fees (Transportation & Lunch Fee) in Pingsha, Jinwan, Zhuhai. 131 Students x 550 RMB教育费(交通&午餐)珠海金湾平沙131 学生 x 550 人民币 72,050
School Fees (Lunch Fee) in Shaoguan. 90 Students x 300 RMB教育费(午餐)韶关90 学生 x 300人民币 27,000
Total Donation善款总额 99,050


221 Children Helped for an Entire Year 221个孩子将在全年得到帮助


*Student lists will be received and be made available upon request.


ZAS (Zhuhai Autism Society) 珠海市自闭症协会

Item RMB 人民币
9 Students 1 Year Fees for GuLangTraining Center (48 classes each of 1h 30min split equally over 2 terms)9名学生提供一年(48节课,每节课1个半小时)在专业培训中心获得教育和技能训练的机会。 14,040
4 Autistic ChildrenLive in 24hr Residential Boarding Care Centre for 1 Year. 4位自闭症儿童在24小时护理中心寄宿1年的费用。 72,000
Musical Instruments for Day Center日间护理站的音乐器材 8,700
Total Donation 94,740


9 Autistic Children’s lives changed forever 9个自闭症孩子的生活被永久改变
4 Severe Case Children provided with the full time care they  need for an entire yearInstruments provided to help improve quality of life and training to all children under the care of the ZAS 4个重症的孩子将会得到一年他们需要的全天护理 器材的提供可以帮助他们提高生活质量


*All musical instruments receipts have been checked and instruments have been physically audited.





press 1

On Tuesday 18th November morning CTC founding members (Mark Clayton; Sunny Sui; Paul Bailey), representatives of China 2 West & InternChina, along with CPAZ, visited a school in Pingsha, Jingwan District, Zhuhai for the ceremony. After the ceremony we visited the school grounds and played with the students. Following this we visited 5 of our sponsor children’s homes and met their families. It was an emotional and incredible day. It was great to see how the money raised is being spent and the people who it will genuinely benefit.

11月18日星期二早上,CTC创办者(Mark Clayton; Sunny Sui; Paul Bailey)代表珠海中西电子和InternChina,与爱心会一起参加了金湾区平沙一所小学的捐赠典礼。典礼结束后,我们参观了学校,并且和学生一起玩耍。然后我们拜访了5个受捐赠的学生家并和他们的家人会面。这是激动人心并难以置信的一天。很高兴可以见证我们筹集到的资金可以用于需要帮助的人。

In January 2015 we’ll be visiting Shaoguan City, Guangdong Province with CPAZ to visit the remaining schools and students that will benefit  from everybody’s amazing donations.


 IMG_24321  IMG_24261

Friday 21st November morning CTC members (Mark Clayton; Sunny Sui; Luke Niederhofer; Paul Bailey) and representatives of China 2 West, along with the founder of ZAS, Charles He, visited an Autism day care centre in New Xiangzhou, Zhuhai. We had an amazing time watching the kids learning, playing music and saw the instruments that our donations purchased. We also learnt how to make glutinous rice peanut balls and had a small ceremony。

11月22日星期五早上CTC成员(Mark Clayton; Sunny Sui; Luke Niederhofer; Paul Bailey)和来自珠海中西电子的代表,和珠海自闭症协会创办人何炳岭一起参观珠海新香洲的一个自闭症日托中心。我们观看了孩子们学习,演奏音乐和由善款购买的器材。我们也学会了如何做汤圆并且举办了一个小典礼。

Photographs of the event are online on Facebook, DeltaBridges and our website


Again, thank you very much to everybody who helped in making this event a massive success. Everybody deserves to feel extremely happy with the amount we have raised and the number of children we will help.


Keep Saturday September 12th 2015 free in your calendar for Come Together 2015!


Yours sincerely,


CTC (Come Together Community)