Why is Zhuhai a great place to outsource manufacturing?


It is not just the quality of the air that has made us choose Zhuhai as headquarter for C2W,  but it is due to its location in the Guangdong province that allow us to sustain a competitive advantage in the global market.

The city, located in the Pearl River Delta, is part of the Special Economic Zone. This means that the Chinese government offers every year a vast quantity of capital to invest in high tech industries, import-export actives and last advanced manufacturing.

Because one of the core services of our company is supplier of manufacturing, it is now easy to understand why our based head quarter is based here!

Since our foundation back in 2005, our C2W has expanded in 9 countries, with 13 offices in mainland China.

But not for all the business it is easy firstly expand their demand and secondly to produce in China, thus in part because the host government has yet to be convinced as to the value of your product in its home market.

C2W Group and its core services of General Consultative services can help you not only to avoid  common mistakes related to manufacturing in China such as miscommunication with suppliers or quality flaws but it can also  provide manufacturing consultancy, understanding the customer’s requirement and finding the trusted supplier for your products.

According to Nick Cunningham C2W’s president and founder “the key of our success it is a loyal global growing clients base who continuously see the added value and low risks of using our company provided over dealing directing with China!”

And yet, our company is also able to add value to your products throughout another great service: Quality control during the whole process of supply-chain management and not just at the end of the process.

All the businesses can make investments and launch new products or services, but not all of them can get profits! C2W and its problem solving approach can help you to make your product valuable and to overcome the competition in the market. More, it can also help you to produce and introduce your new prototype in the market making it rare and inimitable.

Choose C2W and you will be not alone anymore!