Customer Testimonials

Just like our diverse portfolio of team members and multinational background, our customers come from all over the world, ranging from promising startups to well-developed companies, spanning multiple industries. We are very proud of the services we have provided them with and also grateful for all the favorable reviews we have received over the years in China.

Here is a small selection of them from our global customer base.


I have absolutely no hesitation if recommending C2W for any and all of your manufacturing and sourcing needs. You will not be disappointed with the outcome, time savings and costs.

-Simon Buckingham, Buckingham Healthcare Ltd, 16 years with C2W

Knowing what I know now, and having tried to source things on my own, I would never attempt to source a product without them.

-Sterling Cannon, Sirics

I have worked with C2W over many years and the service has been excellent. C2W takes away the risk of dealing in Asia direct with suppliers given the times we live in at the moment.

-Brian Black, WBD Global Limited

I would 100% recommend C2W to other businesses who are looking for an external inspector in China. We plan to continue using them in the future.

-Alice Darbon, Alexir Packaging Ltd

We use various other Far East suppliers, we work well together but do find C2W will go the extra mile in terms of communication and ensuring quality.

-Wilson Black, WBD Global Limited



C2W has been a fantastic partner in the development and production of a novel product.

-Sterling Cannon, Sirics

IP Protection

I have trust issues, especially with regards to intellectual property and people I've never met. You have invested plenty in your business, and the thought of bringing on a company in a foreign country is intimidating. This team will care for you and your IP.

-Sterling Cannon, Sirics

Quality Control

They are able to evaluate factories in person. They are able to verify quality before the products leave China.

-Sterling Cannon, Sirics

Since Covid started, C2W have been tasked with inspecting all of our shipments at multiple factories in various areas of China, from Shenzhen to Qingdao and nothing has been too much trouble for them. We receive detailed reports and photos and where needed, C2W schedule revisits in a fast timeframe for us.

-Alice Darbon, Alexir Packaging Ltd

Having the QC team in place means I do not have to travel the factory as much as I would have to if using alternative suppliers. This saves me both valuable time and money on travel.

-Wilson Black, WBD Global Limited

Team Members

I have always been allocated skilled and professional project managers who are all bilingual and highly skilled in their own departments. We have worked together across a wide range of projects including, textiles and fabrics, plastic injection molding and tooling for export.

-Simon Buckingham, Buckingham Healthcare Ltd, 16 years with C2W

They will offer great solutions to your manufacturing challenges. They will be there when you need them.

-Sterling Cannon, Sirics

C2W has saved our company time given your knowledge of general manufacturers and your well trained internal and external team.

-Brian Black, WBD Global Limited

Working with the team at C2W, and the team in particular has been great. They are very responsive, answer all queries and concerns I have and have provided excellent service from the beginning.

-Alice Darbon, Alexir Packaging Ltd

Flawless. The team are very knowledgeable and passionate about their business which filters through the business which means I know I will be given great service.

-Wilson Black, WBD Global Limited

Interested in hearing more from our past customers? Please don't hesitate to contact us.