The Do’s and Don’ts of New Product Development in China

The Do’s and Don’ts of New Product Development in China

On an annual basis, about 30,000 new productsare unveiled worldwide; however, the majority do not reach the desired level of success due to many different issues that lie within their fabrication processes.

If you are looking to develop new products without worrying about possible losses and risks, China is one of the most popular destinations for Western companies that want to take advantage of the country’s vast resources and skilled labor force.

In this article, we will cover the dos and don’ts of new product development. These tips can help you avoid common pitfalls and ensure that your product meets your specifications. Keep reading to get the details.

1. Do’s

1. Do Your Homework

Before approaching any product developer in China, you need to acquire an understanding of the associated process and the necessary requirements.

Newcomers who are unfamiliar with the operational steps may be exposed to a range of challenges or troubles, such as having to fork out additional money for auxiliary services, or in a worst-case scenario, receiving shoddy goods if quality control is not undertaken.

To be certain you make the best decision when selecting a dependable new product developer and receiving high-grade items, researching the production process, associated fees and understanding industry benchmarks are key steps.

2. Do Learn More About the Potential Partners

Now that you are equipped with a foundational knowledge of the entire new product development process, it is time to investigate potential partners.

Prospective new product developers should demonstrate a robust background in the industry and an impressive portfolio of achievements to be deemed qualified. To contact them, take advantage of online sources or participate in notable trade shows.

To establish a successful partnership, it is important to gather detailed information on the potential collaborator. Consider asking them about their experience in your niche to ensure that they have the requisite capabilities for your project. You may also inquire about the business history and credentials of their organization, confirming whether they are a third-party vendor or not.

You also get to scan their facilities if you can. It’ll be easy to see if they have the skilled engineers and types of equipment you need.

3. Do Have Factory Audits

Finally, if you are not completely sure of a product development partner you have not seen in person or do not know too well, you could have an external agency audit their facility for you.

A factory audit is conducted by an independent auditor, which aims to evaluate whether the manufacturer is skillful enough and whether the manufacturing process is up to standard.

Typically, the factory audit identifies areas of improvement, potential risks, and health and safety issues. It is important to keep in mind that manufacturers in China may not be familiar with foreign standards and regulations. Therefore, it is essential to provide clear instructions on the product specifications to ensure that your product meets all the necessary standards.

By having regular factory audits, you can be confident that your product is manufactured according to your exact requirements. This will also ensure that your product is of the highest quality and meets all legal requirements for selling in the desired market.

2. Don’ts

1. Don’t Ignore the Language Barriers

When collaborating with a new product development partner in China, miscommunication can be a formidable challenge. For a successful outcome, it is essential to ensure your vendor is capable of grasping your vision; this way, any language, and cultural discrepancies are avoided.

Aside from the language barriers, there are a lot of phases in the Chinese manufacturing industry that can be named or used differently, which could create confusion if you don’t have any experience in the industry.

Today, in order to guarantee successful and effective communication, many Chinese suppliers in the manufacturing sector have taken on multilingual personnel so it’s better to confirm your supplier is one of them.

2. Don’t Forget about Your IP Rights

Launching a new product that represents your company can be overwhelming, but the effort to protect your idea is huge. When it comes to product development in China, don’t forget to safeguard your intellectual property.

Registering your Intellectual Property in your own country may not provide the same degree of protection in China, since their IP laws and regulations differ. To guarantee your concept and designs are safe when outsourcing new product development to China, be sure to make your developer mindful of your IP privileges. Additionally, demand an NNN agreement and supplementary contracts to prevent any potential IP leaks during the production phase.

3. Don’t Overlook the Product Quality

Developing a unique item requires time and dedication, thus quality should never be compromised. A product that fails to meet quality standards can result in costly recalls or even cause damage to a brand’s reputation.

Chinese-manufactured goods are often perceived as subpar, so be sure to demand the highest standard when crafting your product in order to avoid disappointing customers.

What’s more, to guarantee the excellence of the final product, it would be beneficial to enlist the assistance of an independent quality assurance company that can conduct quality control on your behalf. This way, you can save yourself from the potentially costly and embarrassing consequence of issuing a recall for malfunctioning goods.

Partner With a Reliable Product Development Company in China

Developing a new product in China can be a challenge, so partnering with the right company is a must. With an experienced supplier on your side, costly mistakes can be avoided, ultimately saving you both time and money on the whole process and bringing more profits.

If you want to find a trustworthy new product development manufacturing company that speaks your language, grasps your requirements, and has the experience and capacities to carry out your project without risks, China 2 West is your perfect match.

As a leading one-stop-shop manufacturing consultancy based in the Greater Bay Area in Southern China since 2005, we provide a full range of services to satisfy our clients around the world, from supply chain management to product development and quality control. If you are interested in how we can help with your endeavor, reach out to us right away.