Avoid These 4 Mistakes While Ordering Promotional Products from China

Promotional products are one of the most efficient ways to get your brand out there. With your brand logo or image on a mug, calendar, or pen, your brand can be put in front of thousands (even millions) of people in a cost-efficient manner. They may be inexpensive, but producing them in large quantities or batches will still cost you a lot of money. How do you lessen the cost? Consider manufacturing then overseas, in a country like China. Ordering promotional products from China has many benefits, the biggest of which is lower cost of production. But as with any operation done overseas, there are risks that you need to know before sealing a deal. Here are some of the top four mistakes to avoid when you decide to order promotional materials from China:


  • Failing to be specific, thorough and cautious


When sending an RFQ form or Request for Quotation Form, make sure you are thorough with your specifications to receive a more accurate quotation. Once you receive the quotation from the company in China, be cautious of low prices that are too good to be true because they may be. Read the quotation meticulously and see if there are any incomplete materials or items from the form that will explain the low cost, or if there are materials that you specifically asked for that were not included in their reply.


  • Forgetting to follow up on your project


Make sure to constantly communicate with your supplier about adjustments, specifications or anything that is still on its way such as payment, contracts or other necessary materials.


  • Failing to talk about delivery and packaging


Post-production is just as important since you are outsourcing from an overseas company. If your products are not delivered on time or packaged properly, you can lose serious money. Damaged goods are not sellable goods.


  • Lack of research


Last but most importantly, do background checks on your supplier. Are they affiliated with business councils or Chambers of Commerce in China? Do they have the necessary business permits or certifications? Due diligence will go a long way.